O’Reilly Media – AI Powered Misinformation and Manipulation at Scale #GPT-3

OpenAI’s text generating system GPT-3 has captured mainstream attention. GPT-3 is essentially an auto-complete bot whose underlying Machine Learning (ML) model has been trained on vast quantities of text available on the Internet. The output produced from this autocomplete bot can be used to manipulate people on social media and spew political propaganda, argue about…

O’Reilly Media – The Next Generation of AI

Programs like AlphaZero and GPT-3 are massive accomplishments: they represent years of sustained work solving a difficult problem. But these problems are squarely within the domain of traditional AI. Playing Chess and Go or building ever-better language models have been AI projects for decades. The following projects have a different flavor: In February, PLOS Genetics…

UC Berkeley – A First-Principles Theory of Neural
Network Generalization

Fig 1. Measures of generalization performance for neural networks trained on four different boolean functions (colors) with varying training set size. For both MSE (left) and learnability (right), theoretical predictions (curves) closely match true performance (dots). Deep learning has proven a stunning success for countless problems of interest, but this success belies the fact that,…

UC Berkeley – Making RL Tractable by Learning More Informative Reward Functions: Example-Based Control, Meta-Learning, and Normalized Maximum Likelihood

Diagram of MURAL, our method for learning uncertainty-aware rewards for RL. After the user provides a few examples of desired outcomes, MURAL automatically infers a reward function that takes into account these examples and the agent’s uncertainty for each state. Although reinforcement learning has shown success in domains such as robotics, chip placement and playing…

UC Berkeley – Sequence Modeling Solutions
for Reinforcement Learning Problems

Sequence Modeling Solutions for Reinforcement Learning Problems Long-horizon predictions of (top) the Trajectory Transformer compared to those of (bottom) a single-step dynamics model. Modern machine learning success stories often have one thing in common: they use methods that scale gracefully with ever-increasing amounts of data. This is particularly clear from recent advances in sequence modeling,…

UC Berkeley – Which Mutual Information Representation Learning Objectives are Sufficient for Control?

Processing raw sensory inputs is crucial for applying deep RL algorithms to real-world problems. For example, autonomous vehicles must make decisions about how to drive safely given information flowing from cameras, radar, and microphones about the conditions of the road, traffic signals, and other cars and pedestrians. However, direct “end-to-end” RL that maps sensor data…