Latest from IBM Developer : Create a web app to interact with machine learning generated image captions

Summary The introduction of the IBM Model Asset eXchange (MAX) that is hosted on the Machine Learning eXchange has given application developers without data science experience easy access to prebuilt machine learning models. This code pattern shows how simple it can be to create a web app that utilizes a MAX model. The web app…

Latest from IBM Developer : Build a web app that recognizes yoga poses using a model from the Model Asset eXchange hosted on the Machine Learning eXchange

Summary This IBM Developer code pattern explains how to detect human poses in a given image by using the Human Pose Estimator model from the Model Asset eXchange that is hosted on the Machine Learning eXchange. Using coordinates, the pose lines that are created by the model are assembled into full body poses for each…

Latest from IBM Developer : Create a machine learning powered web app to answer questions

Summary In this code pattern, learn how to build a chatbot that answers a user’s questions by finding the answer in a college biology textbook. Description Ever found yourself wondering what mitochondria are? Perhaps you are curious about how neurons communicate with each other? A Google search works well to answer your questions, but what…

Latest from IBM Developer : Develop, train, and deploy a spam filter model on Hortonworks Data Platform using Watson Studio Local

Watson Studio Local is now part of IBM Cloud Pak for Data. Learn more Cloud Pak for Data. Summary This code pattern demonstrates how data scientists can leverage remote Spark clusters and compute environments to train and deploy a spam filter model. The model is built using natural language processing and machine learning algorithms and…

Latest from IBM Developer : Assemble a pizza-ordering chatbot dialog

Note: This code pattern uses the classic Watson Assistant experience. After October 8, 2021, all instances (except the standard plan) can switch between the classic and new Watson Assistant experiences by going to the upper-right corner of the Watson Assistant screen and clicking the Manage icon. See the Watson Assistant page for more information on…

Latest from IBM Developer : Create a real-time object detection app using Watson Machine Learning

Summary Whether you are counting cars on a road or people who are stranded on rooftops in a natural disaster, there are plenty of use cases for object detection. Often times, pre-trained object detection models do not suit your needs and you need to create your own custom models. How can you use machine learning…

Latest from MIT : One autonomous taxi, please

If you don’t get seasick, an autonomous boat might be the right mode of transportation for you.  Scientists from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) and the Senseable City Laboratory, together with Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions (AMS Institute) in the Netherlands, have now created the final project in their self-navigating trilogy:…

Latest from MIT : Artificial intelligence sheds light on how the brain processes language

In the past few years, artificial intelligence models of language have become very good at certain tasks. Most notably, they excel at predicting the next word in a string of text; this technology helps search engines and texting apps predict the next word you are going to type. The most recent generation of predictive language…