Latest from MIT : 3 Questions: Blending computing with other disciplines at MIT

The demand for computing-related training is at an all-time high. At MIT, there has been a remarkable tide of interest in computer science programs, with heavy enrollment from students studying everything from economics to life sciences eager to learn how computational techniques and methodologies can be used and applied within their primary field. Launched in…

Latest from MIT : Making machine learning more useful to high-stakes decision makers

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that one in seven children in the United States experienced abuse or neglect in the past year. Child protective services agencies around the nation receive a high number of reports each year (about 4.4 million in 2019) of alleged neglect or abuse. With so many cases,…

Latest from MIT : Dexterous robotic hands manipulate thousands of objects with ease

At just one year old, a baby is more dexterous than a robot. Sure, machines can do more than just pick up and put down objects, but we’re not quite there as far as replicating a natural pull toward exploratory or sophisticated dexterous manipulation goes.  Artificial intelligence firm OpenAI gave it a try with Dactyl…

Latest from MIT : Toward speech recognition for uncommon spoken languages

Automated speech-recognition technology has become more common with the popularity of virtual assistants like Siri, but many of these systems only perform well with the most widely spoken of the world’s roughly 7,000 languages. Because these systems largely don’t exist for less common languages, the millions of people who speak them are cut off from…

Latest from MIT : Electrochemistry, from batteries to brains

Bilge Yildiz’s research impacts a wide range of technologies. The members of her lab study fuel cells, which convert hydrogen and oxygen into electricity (and water). They study electrolyzers, which go the other way, using electricity to convert water into hydrogen and oxygen. They study batteries. They study corrosion. They even study computers that attempt…

Latest from MIT : MIT Lincoln Laboratory wins nine R&D 100 Awards for 2021

Nine technologies developed at MIT Lincoln Laboratory have been selected as R&D 100 Award winners for 2021. Since 1963, this awards program has recognized the 100 most significant technologies transitioned to use or introduced into the marketplace over the past year. The winners are selected by an independent panel of expert judges. R&D World, an…

Latest from MIT : In MIT visit, Dropbox CEO Drew Houston ’05 explores the accelerated shift to distributed work

When the cloud storage firm Dropbox decided to shut down its offices with the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, co-founder and CEO Drew Houston ’05 had to send the company’s nearly 3,000 employees home and tell them they were not coming back to work anytime soon. “It felt like I was announcing a snow day or…

Latest from IBM Developer : Analyze AI fraud prediction models

Summary In this code pattern, gain better insights and explainability by learning how to use the AI 360 Explainability Toolkits to demystify the decisions that are made by a machine learning model. This not only helps policymakers and data scientists to develop trusted explainable AI applications, but also helps with transparency for everyone. To demonstrate…

Latest from IBM Developer : Build an e-learning portal

Summary In this developer code pattern, we will demonstrate how to quickly build an e-learning portal using IBM Watson® Media. Solutions can be scaled with Watson Media, but the scope of this pattern focuses on the following capabilities: Creating channels for different areas of learning. Creating and uploading videos for a channel. Password-restricting access to…